Huron County Ambulance Stations - Gail E. Lamb Incorporated, Architect | Canadian Architect Serving London, Toronto and other parts of Ontario

Huron County Ambulance Stations, Goderich, Huron East, Exeter, Ontario

The County of Huron selected Gail E. Lamb Incorporated Architect for design and supervision for the construction of three new three bay ambulance stations. The stations consist of a three bay garage portion for housing of the ambulance vehicles and an adjacent support area with staff lounge, office space, storage space and training space. The exterior has a masonry base with EIFS above and a metal roof. We have provided a 'refreshing' design that will be pleasing to both the staff and the community.

Sunday, December 15, 2024
34219 Neil Road, Lucan, ON N0M 2J0 (519) 227-1938